Things to know about our activities


Things to know about our activities

Find out more about us and our commitment to to the future of technology and society


hema electronic in the media

At this point we want to tell you more about hema. The projects we promote, the research and innovation projects, the fairs and congresses we attend, a wide range of topics is on our minds. In addition to the information posted here, there is even more about us on our social media channels Facebook, LinkedIn and XING.

hema awarded with the RAW.23

hema electronic was awarded the RAW.23 innovation prize by the Wirtschaftsjunioren and the Wirtschaftsclub Ostwürttemberg for its measures to attract and promote employees. Oliver Helzle accepted the …

M&T Interview mit Oliver Helzle

M&T Interview of the Week: 45 years of hema!

M&T Interview of the Week: 45 years of hema!Milestones in the company's history, trends for embedded vision and our vision to be the market-leading expert for embedded vision electronics in 2028: …

SPS Magazin - TSN Artikel

SPS-Magazin: Modular platform for TSN electronics

Time-Sensitive Networking is a key technology for IT/OT convergence and scalable infrastructures for all data transmissions. Read how modular electronics development helps to achieve shorter developme…