Charlotte Helzle gives interview for the VDMA Magazine

A successful female entrepreneur is encouraging women in technical professions.

Our managing director Charlotte Helzle has been involved in various projects in the MINT sector for years. Despite the numerous initiatives, the proportion of female students in these subjects has remained almost constant at only 30 percent - she believes that parents, entrepreneurs and university teachers also have a duty to help.

In an interview with the VDMA magazine, which appeared in the May edition #05 2020, she tells us: "In my poetry album it still said: 'Be like the violet in the moss, humble, modest and pure, and not like the proud rose that always wants to be admired. I am a technophile rose, and I'll stand by it." And she advises young women, "Trust yourself to be a leader and don't be the nice one who always thinks of the team. Meanwhile, men are making careers."

You can read the whole interview here: 
To the interview

  • Reference text: VDMA Magazine #05 May 2020
  • Source Photos: Jan-Philip Strobel/